Comparing our current state with the Meccan Period

During the Mecca period the companions were in a weak state. And the way the prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) dealt with the reality in Mecca was different than the way he dealt with the reality in Medina, for many reasons.

The first reason is that the Muslims were in a weak state. The second reason is that the Shari’ah was not completed.  The third reason is that the prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) didn’t have prevention or power. The fourth reason is that Islam didn’t spread, and didn’t expand in the horizons yet.

So this shows us that the reality in Mecca was different than the reality in Medina. So when a person is in a state of weakness he should deal with this weakness according to the Shari’ah. He should not give up on his [Islamic] principles, and he should not compromise [in matters of] his religion.

But he cannot act like the one who has the power and ability, at the same time he need to protect the interest and distance himself from the corruption.

So he deals with this reality with a bit of Hikmah [Wisdom], and he deals with the other reality with a bit of Quwah [Strength] al-Hazm [seriousness] and speaking the word of Haq [Truth] and what is related to that.

But to bring the Mecca period in his total and compare it with our current state, has no roots in the teachings of Islamic Shari’ah.

We are at the end of the commands of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم). Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) said to His Messenger: {“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.”} [Surat Al-Ma’eda: 3]

But during the period of weakness a men is not ready, out of fear to humiliate himself or to be tested in his religion. Not because the Islamic Ruling has changed!! And if man is ready and has the Power and Ability than this is Praiseworthy. Because there are evidences from the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) in this matter.

But to bring the Mecca period in his total and compare it with our current state, This is in fact from the mistakes of some of the modern [Scholars, Seekers of Knowledge, Du’aat etc] and this is a trace of the traces of Da’wah [calling to Islam] and Intellectual thinking without [Islamic] knowledge.

Because the starting point can be from a scientific perspective, whether intellectual or theoretical perspective, or from the perspective of some Islamic movements that wishes to improve their situation, referring to the Mecca period. And this is wrong!

Because we cannot bring the Mecca reality and compare it with our reality, thereby we withdraw ourselves from a lot of Constants of the Islamic Shari’ah. At the same time the reality in Mecca the Shari’ah wasn’t completed. While we are in a period the Shari’ah is complete.

The other point is, despite the Meccan reality the messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) didn’t hide anything from the Haq [Truth]. Confronting them, yes [he didn’t do that] for some reasons.

But a person hides the truth like some people are doing; they don’t speak The Haq [truth], and consider themselves in the Mecca Period, secret reforms or something else related. This is not true and has no roots [in Islamic Shari’ah]. And say: {“The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills – let him believe; and whoever wills – let him disbelieve.”} [Surat Al-Kahf: 29]

Translated by Abu Yahya