Jihad: The forgotten obligation

23: The Inheritance of the Prophet (saw)

Narrated Amr bin al-Harith (ra), the Prophet (saw) did not leave anything behind him after his death except a white mule, his arms and a piece of land which he left to be given to charity. (Sahih Bukhari, p.403, vol.1)

The mule mentioned was for the use of Jihaad as stated in a hadith of Bara Bin Adhib (ra)

The Prophet (saw) did not hoard wordly items, nor did he leave behind anything after his death, except for some weapons of Jihaad, and a mule which used to come in use for Jihaad as it is stated in a hadith of Bukhari narrated by Bara Bin Adhib (ra)

Jihaad is an act of worship from which one can achieve the closeness of Allah and by which Islam is given glory. This is why the Prophet (saw) used to love the arms of Jihaad and he used to buy them. This is why the Prophet (saw) only left these war articles behind. May Allah swt grant us the ability to truly follow the Prophet (saw) in his footsteps.