Jihad: The forgotten obligation

22: The Guarantee of Jannah

Narrated Abu Huraira (ra), the Prophet (saw) said, "Allah swt assigns for a person who participates (in the holy battles) in Allah's cause, and nothing causes him to do so except belief in Allah and His Messengers, that he will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives), or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a shaheed)."

The Prophet (saw) added, "Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any Sariya (an army unit) going for Jihaad and I would have loved to be Shaheed in Allah's path (Jihaad) and then made alive, and then Shaheed and then made alive, and then again Shaheed".(Sahih Bukhari, p.10, vol.1)

He will either return as a Ghazi with his reward or he will enter Jannah on the high status of Shahadah. The conclusion is, there is always blessing and victory for a Mujahid. If he stays alive he is a Ghazi, if he is killed then he is a Shaheed. It doesn't matter whether he fights in the face of the enemy or stays behind helping the Mujahideen. It doesn't matter whether he is killed by the enemy's bullet or if a bullet of a Muslim pierces him by mistake, or he is killed by the bite of an animal, he is always victorious.

There is only one way the effort of the Mujahid can be ruined; that is, if his intention is not correct and he is fighting for personal fame. With the exception of above, when the intention of the Mujahid is solely for elevating Allah's word and Allah's pleasure then his effort can never be a failure, on the contrary Allah has guaranteed him victory. Who can be more fortunate than that person for whom Allah has guaranteed Jannah.

Imam Bukhari (ra) has chosen the title of, "Jihaad" is a part of Iman (faith)" for this hadith. He is trying to emphasize the great status of Jihaad in a special manner. May Allah swt grant us the ability to fulfill this part of Iman.