The Prohibition of Spreading Bedroom Secrets
It is forbidden for either the husband or the wife to spread any of the secrets of their bedroom to anyone outside. The following two hadîth are about this:
"Verily among the worst people before Allâh on the Day of Judgement is a man who approaches his wife sexually and she responds and then he spreads her secrets." [Muslim, Ibn Abi Shaiba, Ahmad and others].
Second: "On the authority of Asmâ bint Yazid who narrated "that she was once in the presence of the Prophet and there were both men and women sitting. The Prophet then said:
"Perhaps a man might discuss what he does with his wife, or perhaps a woman might inform someone what she did with her husband?" The people were silent. Then I said: "O, Yes! O Messenger of Allâh verily both the women and men do that." Then the Prophet said: "Do not do that. It is like a male shaitân who meets a female shaitân along the way, and has sex with her while the people look on!" [Ahmad: Hasan or Sahîh due to supports]