Tawaaf of Quadoom (arrival)
Innovations of Hajj, Umrah & Visiting Madinah | |
And I decided to add an appendix, setting forth the innovations regarding Hajj and visiting Madinat-ul-Munawwara, and Bait-ul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) as many people do not know these things and so fall into them - so I wished to advise them by explaining and warning them against these things - as Allaah the Blessed and Exalted does not accept any action unless it fulfils two conditions: Firstly: That it done sincerely for the Face of Allaah, the Honored, the Exalted. Secondly: That it is correct - and it is not correct until it is in accordance with the Sunnah, not at variance with it - and as the people of knowledge have agreed - everything claimed by the people to be part of worship which Rasoolullah did not prescribe by his saying, nor drew nearer to Allaah by performing it - then that is at variance with his Sunnah as his Sunnah is of two kinds: (a) Sunnah of action (Sunnah Fi'liyyah - actions which he did) and As for those things pertain to worship, the Prophet did not do - then it is from the Sunnah to leave them - for example: calling Adhaan for the 'Eid prayers and for burying the dead, even though it is a means of making mentioning of Allaah and glorifying Him, it is not permissible do it as a means of drawing nearer to Allah, the Exalted, the Glorious - and that is only because it is something which Rasoolullah refrained from doing - and this point was understood by his companions - so they often warred against innovation in general - as is mentioned in its proper place - and Hudhaufah ibn al Yamaan said: "Every worship that has not been done by the companions of Rasoolullah, then do not do it." And Ibn Mas'ood said: "Follow (the Sunnah) and do not innovate, and that is enough for you - stick to the old way." So how fortunate is the one to whom Allaah gives the good fortune of making his worship sincerely for Him and following of the Sunnah of His Prophet And you should know that these innovations are traceable to the following factors: (i) Weak (da'eef) Ahaadith - which are not permitted to be used as evidence, nor is it, according to your saying, permissible to act on them - as I have explained in the introduction of 'Sifat-Salaat un-Nabee' (The Prophet's Manner of Prayer) - and this is the position of a group of the people of knowledge - from them Ibn Taimiyya. (ii) Fabricated (maudoo') Ahaadith - or narrations which have no basis - some scholars remaining unaware of their true nature - and therefore basing religious verdicts upon them - their being the core of innovation and novelties! (iii) The decisions of some scholars or their regarding certain things to be commendable - especially the later scholars - not basing these on any proofs (from the Qur'an of Sunnah), rather treating them as indisputable matters - until they become Sunnahs adhered to and followed. And it will not remain hidden from one who has insight into his religon - that it is not correct to follow such things -as nothing is part of the Sharee'ah except what Allaah has prescribed - and it is enough for the one who makes something desirable - if he is mujtahid - that it is permissible for him to act according to what he sees as desirable - and that Allaah will not punish him for that - But as for other people taking that as something prescribed and as Sunnah - then not definitely not! And how can that be when some of these things conflict with the Sunnah - as will be noted later of Allaah wills? (iv) Customs and superstitions which have no evidence from the Sharee'ah, and are not even supported by the intellect - even if some ignorant people act upon them and take them to be part of the sharee'ah - sometimes finding support from others - sometimes from some people claiming to be from the people of knowledge - and actually having their appearance. Then you should know that the danger of these innovations is not of one level - rather they are of different degrees. Some of them being clear shirk and kufr - as you will see, and some of them are less than that - however, you must be aware that the slightest innovation that someone brings into the religion is haraam (forbidden) after it is exposed as an innovation - as there is no innovation that is only makrooh (disapproved), as some people think - and how can that be when Rasoolullah And Imaam ash-Shaatibee has fully explained this point in his important book 'Al I'tisaam' - and because of this the innovation is something very dangerous - and most people remain heedless of this, except for a small group of the people of knowledge and enough as a proof of the seriousness of innovation is the saying of the Prophet : "Verily Allah has refused to admit the repentance of anyone committing an innovation, until he gives up the innovation". Narrated by Tabraanee and ad-Diyaa-ul-Maqdisee in 'al Ahaadith ul-Mukhtaarah' and others - with saheeh isnaad - and was declared by al-Mundharee to be hasan. And I complete this with word of advice which I convey to the readers from a great Imaam from the first scholars of the Muslims - Shaikh Hasan ibn 'Ali al Barbahaaree - one of the companions of Imaam Ahmad - and died in the year 329 H, he - may Allaah be please with him - said: "And beware of the smallest of the newly-invented matters, as the small innovations due to repetition become large innovations, and in that way every innovation introduced in this Ummah began as a small innovation - resembling something correct and thus is the one who falls into it enticed - then he is not able to leave it - some of it grows and becomes part of the religion, practiced as such. So examine - may Allaah have mercy upon you - everything that people of your time say and do not made haste (in accepting it) until you ask and find out: Did any of the companions of the Prophet or any of the people of knowledge speak about it? So if you find a narration from the, then accept it and do not leave it for anything - and do not prefer anything- and do not prefer anything over it and thus fall into the Fire. And you should know - may Allaah have mercy upon you - that a worshipper's Islaam is not complete until he is follower (of proof), consenting and submitting (to the Truth). So whoever claims that anything remains of Islaam which the companions of Rasoolullah did not fully explain to us - then he has invented a lie against them, and that is enough for him that he has reviled them - so he is an innovator, misguided and misguiding, introducing into Islaam what does not belong to it." I (Al-Albaani) say : And may Allah have mercy upon Imaam Maalik who said : "The last part of this Ummah will not be corrected except by that which corrected its beginning, so that which was not part of the religion then - is not part of the religion today." And may Allah send blessing upon our Prophet And all praise is for Allaah by Whose blessing Good actions are completed. | |
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Innovations of Visiting Madinat-ul-Munawwarah | |
This is included as undertaking journey to the Prophet's mosque and Masjid ul-Aqsaa - may Allah return it to the Muslims soon - is from the Sunnah and because of the benefits and rewards for this, and people usually visit them before or after making Hajj - and many of them fall into numerous innovations well-known to the scholars, while doing that - so I saw it beneficial to include what I have across from these as a notification and warning and they are: 132. Journeying to visit the Prophet's grave. 133. Sending requests with the pilgrims and those visiting the Prophet and asking them to convey their salaams to him. 134. Bathing in order to enter Madinat-ul-Munawwarah. 135. Saying upon seeing the walls of Madinah: (O Allah this is the Sacred Area of Your Messenger, so make it a protection against the Fire for me and a protection from punishment and any misfortunate accounting.) 136. Saying upon entering Madinah: (In the name of Allah and upon the the religion of...) 137. The retention of the Prophet's grave within his mosque. 138. Visiting the grave of the Prophet before praying in his mosque. 139. Some peoples facing the grave whith total humility placing his right hand upon the left as if in prayer near the grave or far from it - when entering or leaving the mosque. 140. Making du'aa facing the grave. 141. Going to the grave to make du'aa towards hoping for an answer. 142. Seeking nearness to Allah (tawassul) by means of the Prophet. 143. Seeking for intercession etc. from the Prophet. 144. Ibn al-Hajj's saying in "al-Madkhal" (1/259) that: "One should not mention with his tongues his needs or need forgiveness of sins when visiting the grave of the Prophet" because he knows his needs already and what is of benefit to him!! 145. His saying also (1/364): "There is no difference between his 146. Their placing their hands upon the grills around the room containing the Prophet's grave to seek blessings. And some of them taking oath upon that. 147. Kissing the tomb or touching it or what surrounds it - pillars and so on. 148. Adopting a particular way for visiting the Prophet and his two companions - and a particular way of giving salaam and making du'aa, like the saying of Al-Ghazzali: "He should stand next to the face of the Prophet with his back to the Qiblah, and face the wall of the tomb ... and say.. "mentioning a long salaam then a long salaat and du'aa reaching about three pages. 149. Seeking to pray facing the tomb. 150. Sitting near the grave in order to recite and make dhikr. 151. Going to the Prophet's grave after every prayer. 152. Visiting the Prophet's grave by the people of Madinah every time they enter or leave the mosque. 153. Raising the voice after prayer saying: "Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah." 154. Seeking blessings from rainwater which falls down from the Green Dome above the Prophet's tomb! 155. Seeking nearness to Allah by eating dates of Saihaan in the 'Rawdah' which is between the pulpit and the grave. 156. Cutting off bits of their hair and throwing them into the large chandelier near to the Prophet's tomb. 157. Wiping the two brass palm trees that were placed in the mosque to the west of the pulpit. 158. Making a point of praying in the original part of the mosque and avoiding praying in the front rows which are in the extension made by `Umar and others. 159. Making a point by visitors to Madinah to stay for a whole week in order to pray forty prayers in the Prophet's Mosque - so as to have written for them a security from hypocrisy and from the Fire. 160. Seeking reward by going to any of the mosques or places in and around Madinah except for thw Prophet's Mosque and Qubaa Mosque. 161. Guides instructing groups of pilgrims and leading them in certain du'aas near the Prophet's room or far from it with raised voices - and the people's repeating even louder voices. 162. Visiting the graveyard of Baqee' everyday and prayer in the Mosque of Fatimah - may Allah be pleased with her. 163. Particularizing Yaum ul-Khamees (known to the Christians as Thursday) for visiting the martyrs of Uhud. 164. Affixing pieces of paper to the iron railings on the ground of the martyrs. 165. Seeking blessings by bathing in the pool that used to be by the side of the graves. 166. Walking backwards out of the Prophet's Mosque when leaving for the last time.