Simple Syrah


Mecca is a city in Hijaz. In Mecca there is the Ka'bah, the holiest place of worship on the face of the earth. It is believed that the Ka'bah was built by Ibraheem and his son Ismail (peace be upon them). Arabs used to perform pilgrimage to Mecca and hold the Ka'bah with great respect. The original residents of Mecca are the noble tribe of Quraish.

Mecca was and still considered a sacred place to the Arab. No fighting was allowed in Mecca. This provided a safe environment for the residents of Mecca.

The people of Mecca worshiped idols. Other Arab tribes worshiped idols as well. Every tribe placed an idol near the Ka'bah. It has been narrated that 360 idols were placed surrounding the Ka'bah. During the pilgrimage season, people from all over Arabia would flock to Mecca to worship and celebrate their idols.

'Am Al Feel

The majority of the Arabs were idol worshippers, however, some Christian and Jewish minorities existed in Arabia.

Yemen was under the rule of Habashah which was a Christian dominated kingdom. Abrahah, the ruler of Yemen built a huge church and decorated it beautifully. His aim was to convert the Arabs to Christianity and to attract them to perform pilgrimage to his church. Nevertheless, Arabs were not interested in his church and much more interested in the Ka'bah. Therefore, he decided to destroy the Ka'bah

Abrahah prepared a huge army to attack the Ka'bah. He also took along with him a number of war trained elephants. When the army of Abrahah arrived at Mecca, the people of Mecca were very scared because they had never seen elephants before.

Abdul Muttalib was the chief of Mecca at the time. He had some camels which were taken by the army. He requested to meet with Abrahah. Abdul Muttalib asked Abrahah to return his camels to him. Abraha was very surprised that Abdul Muttalib did not come to discuss the issue of Al Ka'bah with him and he was more interested in his camels. But Abdul Muttalib commented that "The Ka'bah has a God that would protect it".

The people of Mecca fled out of Mecca in fear. The army decided to attack the Ka'bah and destroy it. But the elephant would not move from its place. They tried very hard to make the elephant attack the Ka'bah but heir efforts were in vain. Meanwhile, Allah (swt) sent a flock of birds that carried stones. The birds dropped the stones on the army. The whole army was destroyed. After this incident the king of Yemen never tried to attack the Ka'bah again.

That year was called 'Am Al Feel (the year of the elephant).

The birth of Muhammad

Abdul Muttalib the Chief of Mecca had many children. His favorite child was Abdu Allah. Abdu Allah was married to a woman from the neighboring town of Yathrib. Her name was Aminah bintu Wahb.

Like most of Meccans, Abdu Allah was a businessman. He traveled to Sham to trade. Shortly after the marriage of Aminah and Abdu Allah, Abdul Allah had to travel for business. Aminah then was pregnant. Abdu Allah left Mecca to Al Sham but never to return. On his way back from Sham, he fell sick and died before reaching Mecca. A few months later, Aminah gave birth to a baby boy.

The newborn was different than all other babies. He possessed some miraculous look and appeal. People loved him. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, chose for him a very rare name. He called him Muhammad. Muhammad was not a common name among the Arab. People of Mecca asked him; why did he gave him such a name. Abdul Muttalib replied: "In order to be praise worthy in the heavens and on earth.".

Muhammad with a Foster Family

The Arab who lived in town had a tradition of sending their children to grow up with the Bedouins (the nomad Arabs). They believed that children who grew up in the dessert would be smarter and stronger and they would have better knowledge of Arabic language.

It was that time of the year when women from the dessert came to Mecca to take children from the town with them. Each woman was looking for a child from a rich family. Among the women was Halimah Al Sa'dyiah.

Halimah was a poor woman with many children. They did not have enough food at her house to feed her children. When Muhammad was brought for the women, none of the women accepted him because he was an orphan. Halimah arrived a little late. The children of the rich people of Mecca were all snapped up. She wanted to go back empty handed but then Muhammad was brought to her. She felt some sort of connection to him. She loved him and she accepted to take him with her.

No sooner than Muhammad arrived at Halimah's house than the blessings started to fall upon the house. They had plenty of food to eat. The children were always full and happy.

Muhammad grew up with Halimah's children. She loved him and took good care of him more than her own children.

Muhammad loses his mother and grandfather

After Muhammad had returned from the dessert. His mother Aminah took him with her to Yathrib to visit the grave of her husband. On the way back from Yathrib, Aminah fell sick and died.

Muhammad lost both of his parents before he was 6 years old. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, took care of him. He loved him so much and treated his so special. But, Abdul Muttalib was an old man. He died when Muhammad was 8 years old. After Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad's uncle, Abu Talib adopted him. Abu Talib was a generous man. But he had a large family to support and little resources. Muhammad grew up with his cousins and his uncle treated him like one of his children.

Muhammad felt the heavy burden that his uncle is carrying. He decided to help him. Muhammad started working at a very early age. He worked as a shepherd for Quraish. With the little money he earned, he helped his uncle. Later, Muhammad left his uncle's house and adopted one of his cousins to ease the burden from his uncle. Muhammad took Ali into his custody and brought him up with whatever little money he had.

Muhammad accompany the trade caravans

Abu Talib was a merchant who traveled with the caravans to Syria for trading. When Muhammad was 10 years old Abu Talib decided to train him in business. He took Muhammad along with him on one of his business trips to Syria.

All along the journey from Mecca to Syria, a cloud accompanied the caravan. The cloud hung over Muhammad's head shading him from the heat of the sun.

On the way to Syria, the caravan passed by a monastery which they always passed by it. The monk had never talked to them. This time the monk noticed the cloud. He asked his servant to prepare food and to invite all those who accompanied the caravan. They all responded but left Muhammad to take care of the camels. Bahirah (the monk) looked through the crowed then he asked them if they all were present. They said: "Yes". He insisted that all of them should join. So they brought Muhammad.

Bahirah took a good look at Muhammad then he asked who was his father. Abu Talib replied that he was his father. But Bahirah said: " That it was not true. This boy's parents cannot be alive.". He then confined to Abu Talib that this boy will have a bright future. He asked Abu Talib to take him back to Mecca and take care of him.

Muhammad Al Ameen (The trust worthy)

Muhammad grew up different from his peers. He was known for his cheerful disposition, devotion to helping others, compassion for the weak and poor, love of good and abhorrent of evil. He was famous for his hard work and wisdom from early age. But above all, he was known for his trustworthiness. He had never told a lie in his life. People trusted him on their precious and valuable belongings. The people of Quraish called him AL Amin (the trustworthy). His name Muhammad was rarely used, as in most cases he was refered to as Al Amin.

Rebuilding of Al Ka'bah

Arabs since long held the Ka'bah with special respect. One stone in particular was very respected and special. This stone is called Al Hajar Al Aswad or the Black Stone. It is believed that it is the only stone that remained from the original building of AL Ka'bah which was constructed by Ibrahim and his son Ismail (as). One day the Ka'bah was destroyed by a flood. The people of Quraish got together to rebuild the Ka'bah.

The rebuilding process went smoothly until it was the time to place Al Hajar Al Aswad in its place. At that moment, the different clans of Quraish disagreed on who has the right to place Al Hajar Al Aswad in its place. It would be a great honour for the person who placed it in its place

The disagreement became more serious until they were on the verge of fighting and the building process stopped. It was then when some of the wise men of Quraish suggested that they should appoint a judge to resolve the matter and save the people of Mecca from a certain fight.

Mohammad was the first to enter the Ka'bah while the people of Quraish were waiting. The wisemen of Quraish thought that there will be no one better than Muhammad who can solve this problem. They all agreed to appoint him as a judge, although, he was still very young.

Muhammad Suggested that they should bring a peice of cloth and place the Hajar Al Aswad in the center of the cloth. A representative from each tribe should hold to a side of the cloth. Then all of the representatives should left the stone together. Once the stone was at the level were it should be placed. Muhammad took it with his own hands and placed it in its place.

Everyone was very pleased with the solution that Muhammad suggested. The people of Mecca were very thankful to Muhammad because he had saved them from a destructive fight.

Khadijah Trade Caravans

A rich woman from Mecca known by the name Khadijah came to learn about Muhammad. She was a businesswoman who invested her money in trade caravans. She contacted him and asked him to trade for her. Muhammad took her money and set off on his trade journey to Mecca accompanied by Khadijah's servant Maysarah. His business trip was very successful that he returned with double the profit she would usually get from other business partners.

Muhammad marries Khadijah

Maysarah was very impressed by Muhammad's conduct and honesty. He kept telling Khadijah about Muhammad's good conduct and qualities and about the things he learnt from him during their journey to Syria. Eventually, Khadijah became interested in Muhammad.

Khadijah was a 40 years old woman who lived as a successful businesswoman independent of others. Many people from Quraish asked her for marriage but she refused them all.

Khadijah learnt more about Muhammad then she proposed to him to marry her. Muhammad was 25 years old then. Muhammad accepted the proposal despite the age, difference because Khadijah was a noble woman who possessed excellent and honorable qualities.

Khadijah gave birth to four daughters; Zainab, Ummu Kulthoom, Ruqayyah and Fatimah. She also gave birth to Al Tahir and Al Qasim, two sons who passed away at an early age.

Khadijah and Muhammad lived together in love and happiness until she passed away.

Muhammad in Ghar Hira'

Since Muhammad was a young child, he refused to worship the idols of Quraish. He had never prostrated himself before or accepted any of the gods of Quraish. In fact he had always made it clear to his friends that what the people of Quraish are worshiping is not right.

When Muhammad was approaching his 40th year of age, he became more and more interested in finding answers to his search for the true God. Muhammad left his house every year for one month and stayed alone by himself in a mountain near Mecca. He took for himself a temporary shelter in a cave in the Mountain. The cave was known as Ghar Hira.

Muhammad would stay in the cave and think about the world. The marvelous creations of God and the harmony that existed in the world were a source of inspiration for him and a source of curiosity of who had created them. The moon and the stars, the sun, the mountains the dessert… there must be someone who is keeping all this in balance and harmony. The idols of Quraish did not offer the answer that Muhammad was searching for.

When Muhammad was forty years old, he went to Ghar Hira as usual for his annual meditation. This time it was different. He had a strange encounter that made his shiver in fear. While he was praying and worshipping a creature appeared before him. He hugged him tightly then he released him. He requested from him to read. But Muhammad was not a literate person and he could not read. Muhammad answered: "I cannot read.". The person hugged him even tighter and asked him to read. But Muhammad was already in fear replied that he could not read. The person hugged him very tight and told him: "Read in the name of your Lord, the one who created everything. The one who created man out of a clot. Read for your Lord is the most Honored. The one who taught man with the use of pen. Taught the man what man had no knowledge of before.". Then he disappeared.

Muhammad was frightened. He ran home. He was shivering with fear. He told Khadijah: "cover me! Cover me.!". Khadijah the loving wife asked him of what had happened. He told her of the strange encounter that he had in the cave. She replied to him by saying: " By Allah, O Muhammad! Your Lord would never disappoint you. For you help the poor, generous to strangers and compassionate towards your kin and Keith."

The angle, Jibreel, since then started to visit Muhammad more frequently

Muhammad calls his relatives to Islam

Jibreel (as) asked Muhammad to call his relatives and friends to Islam first. The message was very simple; worship Allah the one and only true God.

The first of all to believe in Muhammads message was Khadijah his wife. Abu Bakr the best friend of Muhammad was the first man to believe in his message and Ali bin Abi Talib, his cousin, was the first youth to accept Islam.

Muhammad continued to call for Islam in secrete. And many people joined him. His call was particularly appealing to people of high moral, to the weak, the poor and slaves.

The number of Muhammad's followers grew by day, however slowly. They needed a place to get together in secrete to learn more about their new religion. Al Arqam bin Abi Al Arqam one of the followers of Muhammad offered his house as a place for their nightly meeting.

Muhammad to call in public

After three years in secrete, Allah ordered Muhammad to declare his message in public and to call the whole of Quraish to Islam.

Muhammad was very highly respected in Quraish. Therefore, when he asked the entire population of Mecca to come an meet him because he had something to tell them, the whole of Mecca turned up to hear what he had to say.

Muhammad addressed them by asking them first: " If I were to tell you that there is an army waiting to attack Mecca from behind this mountain, would you believe me?" The entire crowed shouted: " Yes, off course. You are Al Amin. We trust you.". Muhammad said: " Well then! Allah has sent me a messenger to you that you should worship none but Allah.". The whole crowed was angry. They did not want to leave the worship of their idols. Abu Lahab, his uncle, said to him: " Wo to you Muhammad! For such matter you gathered us". Muhammad was very sad. No one believed him, even his uncle.

The Muslims went out to declare their Islam and wanted to go to the Ka'bah but Quraish attacked them and prevented them from reaching the Ka'bah.

From that day onwards, the people of Mecca declared a war against Muhamamd and his followers.

Quraish Resists Muhammad

Muhammad continued to call for Islam in public. He went around to meet those who came to Mecca for visit or business to call them to Islam.

The Arabs used to perform pilgrimage to Mecca once a year. Muhammad took advantage of this event and went out to spread the message of Islam and call the Arabs to Islam.

Quraish became more and more resistant to Muhammad and his message. They inflected severe torture against those who followed Muhammad. Not even Muhammad escaped their persecution. Whenever Muhammad went out to call for Islam the people of Quraish would harass him, inflect harm on him or just make mockery of him. But that did not stop the growth of Islam. People were still listening to Muhammad and some were converting to his religion.

Quraish decided to put a new policy in place. They increased their torture to those who followed Muhammad. They were subjected to being beaten up and harassed on daily basis. Muhammad himself was called a liar. He was called a Magician, a fortuneteller, even a mad person. But this did not stop people from listening to him and accepting his message.

Abu Jahl along with some of his friends, made it their daily practice to harm the Muslims and to do whatever they could to harm Muhammad. Nevertheless, the tougher Quraish became, the stronger Muhammad and his followers became.

The Boycott

It looked to Quraish that despite all the harm and inconvenience they are causing to the Muslims, the Muslims were always on the winning side. Therefore, the chiefs of Quraish got together to perfect a plan to bring the Muslims on their knees. They decided to boycott the Muslims and anyone who supported, helped or protected a Muslim. They wrote a declaration and hanged it on the wall of the Ka'bbah.

The Muslims and their supporters were forced out of Mecca to a valley. No one was allowed to deal with them. No one was allowed to sell or buy from them. The food supplies were cut off.

The Muslims had nothing to eat and had no means to bring in food. They were forced to eat the leaves of the trees and whatever things they could find in the dessert. Muhammad himself would sleep nights with out tasting food.

The boycott was a difficult trial for the Muslims but it did little to stop the spread of Islam.

Eventually, a noble man from Mecca felt shame of what the people of Mecca did. He called the chiefs of Mecca to a meeting. He told them that it was not right to starve the Muslims to death and he suggested to left the sanctions against the Muslims.

The chiefs of Mecca agreed. They went to the Ka'bah to remove the document. To their surprise, they found that an insect had destroyed the document; nothing was left of it except the words, "By the name of Allah".

The boycott ended but the persecution did not. In fact, things had become much harder for the Muslims in Mecca.

The proposal

All the means that Quraish employed to deter Muhammad from spreading his message and to stop new people from accepting Islam had failed. Hence, Quraish decided to adopt a new method. The chiefs of Quraish got together and put up a proposal.

The chiefs of Quraish went to Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle. They told him that they have agreed to give Muhammad whatever he wanted in exchange of leaving his message. They told Abu Talib to tell Muhammad that if he so wished, they would crown him as a king over Mecca, they would give him as much money as he wanted and they get him any woman he liked to marry.

Abu Talib conveyed the message to Muhammad. Muhammad replied: " By Allah! O my uncle! Had they placed the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, in exchange of leaving this matter, I would not leave it until Allah aids it with victory or I should die conveying the message".

After this incident, Quraish intensified their persecution against Muslims in a hopeless attempt to deter new people from entering the faith of Islam.

The Year of Sadness

Although Abu Talib did not convert to Islam, he offered great help and protection to Muhammad. He supported Muhammad in his struggle with Quraish and even lived with the Muslims during the boycott. Muhammad appreciated Abu Talibs help. Unfortunately, Abu Talib was an old man. Soon after the end of the boycott, Abu Talib died. That left Muhammad without any protection. To make matters even worse, Abu Lahab, another uncle of Muhammad succeeded Abu Talib in heading of the tribe. Abu Lahab was a stubborn enemy of Islam who caused serious harm to the Muslims and to Muhammad.

Not long after the death of Abu Talib, Khadijah, the beloved wife of Muhammad died. Muhammad loved Khadijah dearly. Khadijah was the first woman to believe in Muhammad. She supported Muhammad with her love and care. She also used to help the poor Muslims with her money. Her death was a real tragedy to the Muslims.

Muhammad was very sad to loose both, his uncle and his wife in such a short period. That year was called the Year of Sadness ('Am Al Huzn).

Al Isra wa Al Mi'raj

After the departure of Abu Talib and Khadijah, Quraish became extremely aggressive against the Muslims. Muhammad was very sad for the loss of his two main supporters. Nevertheless, he was still as strong and consistent in delivering his message to people.

One night, while Muhammad was sleeping in his bed, Jibreel came to him. Jibreel (as) woke him up. He asked him to accompany him in a night trip. Jibreel asked Muhammad to ride on an animal called Al Buraq.

First, Jibreel took Muhammad on a night journey to Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem). There, Muhammad led the other Prophets and messengers in prayer. This part of the journey is known as the Isra. After the prayer, Jibreel ascended with Muhammad to the heaven. This part of the journey is known as the Mi'raj (ascension). During the Mi'raj, Allah (swt) ordained the five daily prayers on Muslims.

Muhammad came back to Mecca on the same night. The next morning, he told Quraish of what had happened. Quraish responded to him by making mockery and fun of him. They accused him of being crazy. Some of the chiefs of Quraish thought that this would be a great opportunity to make the Muslims leave Muhammad. Therefore, some of them went to Abu Bakr. They told him: " Have you heard what your friend is claiming? He claims that he went to Baitul Maqdis and ascended to heaven in one night!". Abu Bakr replied: " If he said so, then he is telling the truth. I believe him in much more than that. I believe that he receives his message from heaven". From that day onwards, Abu Bakr was giving the title Al Siddiq (the truthful believer).

A trip to Al Taif

Muhammad was very tired of Quraish's resistance. He decided to try another city. Al Taif was a city near Mecca. Muhammad driven by the faith of a true messenger went to Al Taif to convey his message to its people. Unfortunately, the people of Al Taif were no better than the people of Mecca. They too harmed him by beating him, throwing stones on him and chasing him out of their city.

Muhammad left Al Taif. His face was covered with blood. His body was bruised from the effects of stoning. He sat in an Orchard outside Al Taif to catch his breath. A man who was taking care of the Orchard came to him and asked him of what had happened to him. Muhammad told him about his message. The man was very kind to Muhammad and offered him some grapes to eat and water to drink. He further encouraged Muhammad to be patient and to persevere the harm.

While Muhammad was resting in the Orchard, Jibreel came to him. He told Muhammad that Allah (swt) is sending his regards to him. He also told Muhammad that Allah had sent the Angel of Mountains with him. The Angel of Mountains greeted Muhammad, he asked Muhammad of what his was wish? He told Muhammad, that if he so wished, he could cause the two mountains on the sides of Mecca to collapse and destroy Mecca. Muhammad, as compassionate a human being can be, replied: " No. But I pray to Allah that their children will be Muslims".

Migration to Habashah

Muhammad (saws) witnessed the persecution imposed on his followers. It was so sever. Therefore, he asked them to leave Mecca and migrate to Habashah. He told them not to come back till the situation in Mecca improved.

Habashah was a kingdom in southeast Africa. In it, lived a just king whose name was Al Najashi. Al Najashi was a king and a Christian scholar.

Muslims set off on a long journey across the burning hot desert of Arabia towards Habashah. They had little food and traveled in small batches in order not to attract the attention of Quraish. They walked across the desert barefooted, thirsty, hungry and afraid. But, they had a hope of finding justice in Habashah.

The people of Mecca learned about the Muslims' migration to Habashah. They sought them in the desert but the Muslims sought refuge in the shades of the sand dunes. Finally, the Muslims crossed the Red Sea to Habashah.

But when they thought that their trouble had ended, Quraish sent 'Amr bin Al 'As to meet with Al Najashi. 'Amr was a friend of Al Najashi and he was an eloquent man. He spoke to Al Najashi against the Muslims and almost convinced Al Najashi to return the Muslims to Mecca.

The Muslims were brought before Al Najashi in chains ready to be repatriated to Mecca. It was then, when Ja'ffar bin Abi Talib requested to speak. Ja'ffar explained to Al Najashi the basic principles of Islam. The simple but sincere words of Ja'ffar convinced Al Najashi. He allowed the Muslims to live in Habashah as long as they wished. Later, Al Najashi himself converted to Islam.

While Muslims who migrated to Habashah were living in peace, those who stayed in Mecca were under extreme torture. Quraish became more aggressive against Muslims in an effort to stop the spread of Islam. However, Muhammad (saws) did not give up. He continued to call for Islam. Despite all difficulties, Islam was growing at a rapid rate.

Muslims in Habashah were always on the watch for news regarding the development in Mecca. One day, they heard that all the people of Mecca had accepted Islam. As you may have guessed, they were very happy. They wasted no time packing, and soon they were on their way back to Mecca. They arrived at Mecca, exhausted but happy. They thought for a moment that they were safe. Unfortunately, they were wrong. The people of Mecca did not convert to Islam. Muslims fell easy prey for the people of Mecca. Rasulu Allah (saws) who was the example of compassion could stand the torture being inflected on him but he could not stand seeing the Muslims in such state. He asked them to go back to Habashah. Again, Muslims had to walk a long journey under the heat of the sun and on the burning heat of the dessert sand. They crossed the vast dessert of Arabia and the Red sea seeking refuge in Habashah. There they remained until Prophet Muhammad (saws) migrated to Madinah.

Bai'atul Al 'Aqabah Al Ula

After the Muslims migration to Habashah for the second time, Quraish became very fierce. Their torture to the Muslims who remained in Mecca intensified to great limits. Rasulu Allah (saws) was facing the extremist resistance and the gravest persecution. In the midst of the most sever circumstances, Rasulu Allah (saws) stood fast for his message. He continued his call. As usual, Rasulu Allah (saws) took advantage of the Hajj season to spread his word. He went from one tribe to another, from one group to another calling them to Islam. Sadly, his call fell on deaf ears. Worse yet, people of Quraish were always ahead of him, warning Arab tribes from listening to him.

Driven by the faith of a true Prophet, Muhammad went on in his tedious efforts to find someone who would listen to him. Finally, he met a group of men from Yathrib. Six people from the tribe of Al Khazraj, who were tired of the situation in their hometown. He spoke to them and they listened carefully. This time, his call did not fall on deaf ears, it rather fell on heedful hearts. They accepted Islam. After the Hajj season, they went back to Yathrib. They delivered the message to their countrymen. Their call for Islam was successful. They came back in the following year along with another six who had already accepted Islam.

A rightful dozen of people from Yathrib met with Rasulu Allah (saws). They pledged to him that they would follow Islam and worship none but Allah. They pledged that, they would not steal, kill their own children and not to commit adultery. This was known as Baia'atul 'Aqabah Al Ula.

They asked Rasulu Allah (saws) to send with them someone who would teach them the Quran and help them in their efforts of teaching Islam to the rest of their countrymen. Rasulu Allah (saws) sent Musa'ab bin Umair, a young man from Mecca, with them.

What is Yathrib

Yathrib is a town about five-days-walk from Mecca. In it lived two Arab tribes; Al Aws and Al Khazraj, and three Jewish tribes; Banu Al Nadhir, Banu Qainuqa' and Banu Quraidhah. Although, the Jews were a small minority, they had the upper hand in Yathrib. They always stirred war between Al Aws and Al Khazraj. The Jews used these wars as a way to keep the Aws and Khazraj in a weak state. They also used this tactic to keep both tribes in need for money to purchase weapons.

The Jews acted as an advisor to both Al Aws and Al Khazraj. They lent them money on high interest. It was a high profit trade for the Jews to keep the two tribes in war.

The Jews also used to tell the Arab tribes that a new prophet would appear soon. The Jews always told them that when the new prophet appeared, they would follow him and they would gain victory over the world.

Given the situation, many people were dissatisfied with the way things were going in Yathrib. Many did not like it but had no means to stop it or change it. Many wanted to put an end to the sad situation in Yathrib but their power and number were too little to counter the skilled tactics of the Jews. They truly hoped that a prophet should appear and they themselves follow him.

Bai'atu Al 'aqabah Al Thaniyah

Musa'b went to Yathrib. He started his program of teaching Islam to the people of Yathrib. Although, tough at the beginning, it was by no means comparable to what the Muslims were facing in Mecca. In a short period of time, his efforts were very successful. His teaching sessions were attended with enthusiasm by the rich and the poor. In fact, many people converted to Islam.

The Hajj season was due again. This time, seventy-three men and two women came to meet with Rasulu Allah (saws). They arranged to meet with Rasulu Allah (saws) in a place called Al 'Aqabah.

They slipped off their camp quietly and proceeded to the meeting place. They gathered there and waited for Rasulu Allah (saws). They inspected each other with great care to make sure that no intruders were among them. Shortly after midnight, Rasulu Allah (saws) arrived in the company of his uncle Al 'Abbas. In this meeting, they pledged to Rasulu Allah (saws) that they would protect him and support him. This pledge was known as Baia'atul 'Aqabah Al Thanyah. They also invited him to migrate to Yathrib.

After the pledge, they returned to their camp before anybody could notice their absence.

Hijrah to Madinah

The situation in Mecca was ever getting worse for Muslims. Meccans had become very cruel in their treatment to the Muslims. Baia'atul 'Aqabah Al Thanyah had come just in time for the rescue of the Muslims. Rasulu Allah (saws) gave permission to Muslims to migrate to Yathrib after two weeks from the date of Baia'atul 'Aqabah Al Thanyah.

First to immigrate was Abu Salamah and his wife, an elderly couple, after them, Muslims started to migrate secretly. They left Mecca individually or in small groups. They left behind them all their belongings.

Meccans soon noticed the migration of Muslims. Quraish spared no time or effort before they confiscated the properties and belongings of those who migrated. Muslims continued to migrate secretly until it was 'Umar's turn. He went to the Ka'bah along with his brother Zayed. He prayed openly then he made an announcement of his migration. In his announcement, he threatened anyone who would attempt to pursue him and his brother. In fact, his announcement scared even the most powerful men of Quraish, none had the courage to pursue him.

Muslim numbers in Yathrib was growing rapidly. This had made Quraish worried. They were afraid that the Muslims in Yathrib might grow stronger. They decided to step up their torture to the Muslims who stayed in Mecca in an effort to stop the migration.

Contrary to what the Muslims were facing in Mecca, those who migrated to Madinah were received with warmth and great welcome.

Hijrah of Rasulu Allah

The fear in the hearts of Quraish people grew bigger with every new Muslim migrated and reached to Yathrib. Muslim numbers was growing everyday. Muslim strength was increasing everyday with the conversion of powerful, strong and young people. An end must be put to the message of Islam, Quraish thought.

One day, the chiefs of Quraish gathered together to plan a way to end Islam. They knew that to end Islam they needed to get rid of Muhammad. But that was not an easy task because Muhammad belonged to a noble clan who would seek revenge if anyone killed him. They thought hard and eventually engineered a perfect plan or at least they thought so.

One strong young man from every clan of Quraish would be chosen. All the men would stand guard at the door of Muhammd's house. As soon as he left his house early in the morning to pray Fajir all of them would strike him at once with their swords and kill him. This way, no one for sure would know who was the person who killed him. Therefore, his clan could not seek revenge. Their plot seemed perfect and they kept it a well guarded secrete.

Rasulu Allah (saws) that day visited Abu Bakr's house. Although Abu Bakr was surprised by Rasulu Allah's unexpected visit at noon time, he knew that it should be something important that brought him at such time. He asked Rasulu Allah (saws) about the matter. "Permission to migrate had been given", replied Rasulu Allah (saws). Abu Bakr was so happy because he knew that he would be the companion of Rasulu Allah (saws) in his Hijrah. He wasted no time to instruct his family to get everything ready for the long journey.

Meccans had placed large amounts of money and valuables with Rasulu Allah (saws) as trusts. Rasulu Allah (saws) had to return these trusts to Quraish despite the fact that they are trying to kill him. He asked Ali bin Abi Taleb to stay in his house that night. Ali would sleep in Rasulu Allah's bed so that Quraish would not notice his absence. Ali also would return the trusts to their owners the next morning.

Ali slept in Rasulu Allah's bed. Quraish carried out their plan. After midnight, a young-strong-man from each clan of Quraish stood up at the door of Rasulu Allah's house. They waited for him to leave his house for Fajr prayer. While the men were waiting at the doorstep of Rasulu Allah (saws) to kill him, Rasulu Allah (saws) opened the door read a doa and some parts of Surat Yasin then he threw some dust on their faces. In no time, they all were fast asleep. He slipped out and left Mecca along with Abu Bakr.

Rasulu Allah (saws) and Abu Bakr took an un-inhabited road out of Mecca. They walked at night till they reached Ghar Thaur. Ghar Thaur is a cave at the top of a rugged mountain near Mecca. They hid in the cave.

A man who had seen Rasulu Allah (saws) and Abu Bakr leaving Mecca came to the men who were waiting at the door of Rasulu Allah's house. He told them that he had seen Muhammad and his companion leaving Mecca. At the beginning, they did not believe him. "You must be imagining" they exclaimed. But the man insisted that he was sure. First, they looked through the keyhole opening. "He is there, sleeping!", they assured themselves. But the man was sure of what he saw. They opened the door and entered Rasulu Allah's (saws) house to find out for sure who was sleeping inside. For their surprise, it was Ali not Muhammad who was sleeping there. Soon, their surprise turned into rage. "How could he possibly leave the house without us noticing him?". They were ashamed of themselves.

The news about Rasulu Allah's (saws) escape spread through out Mecca faster than fire. Chiefs of Quraish held an immediate emergency meeting to discuss the issue. They allocated a huge prize for anyone who could capture Muhammad or bring news that might lead to his capture. Almost every man in Mecca went out searching for Muhammad. They went in all directions. A group took the route that Rasulu Allah (saws) had taken. They followed the footsteps until they reached Ghar Thaur. The footsteps ended at the entrance of the cave but the cave's entrance was covered with a spider web. There was a pigeon's nest right at the entrance. Abu Bakr inside the cave was very scared when they approached the cave. He was not scared for himself but he was afraid for Rasulu Allah (saws). But Rasulu Allah (saws) was very calm, he assured Abu Bakr that they would not find them.

The men came nearer to the cave. For a moment, it looked like they were going to find Rasulu Allah (saws). They inspected the entrance of the cave and they concluded that it was not possible that Muhammad and Abu Bakr were hiding inside. "Look! The spider's web is not disturbed. The nest is intact and the pigeon looked calm. They are not inside" they concluded. Then they left to search in a different direction.Rasulu Allah (saws) and Abu Bakr hid in the cave for three days. Every night, Asma binte Abu Bakr would come to the cave to bring food and to provide them with updates of the news in Mecca. After three days, the search for Rasulu Allah and Abu Bakr had subsided. Rasulu Allah (saws) and Abu Bakr left the cave and set off on their journey to Yathrib. To avoid being noticed, they followed a far, rugged and rarely followed route.

Although the intensity of the search for Rasulu Allah (saws) had subsided, there were many people seeking Rasulu Allah almost on every possible route leading to Yathrib. Mainly tempted by the huge reward that was set for anyone who could capture Rasulu Allah. One of the booty hunters was Suraqah. Suraqah followed the footsteps of Rasulu Allah. Abu Bakr heard the galloping of a horse trying to catch up with them. He alerted Rasulu Allah (saws) but Rasulu Allah (saws) paid little attention to the matter.

Suraqah came nearer and nearer which worried Abu Bakr. He alarmed Rasulu Allah (saws) again but Rasulu Allah (saws) assured him that he would not hurt them. When Suraqah became very near, his horse feet sank in the sand and could not move. Suraqah asked Rasulu Allah (saws) to invoke Allah to release him from the sand. Rasulu Allah (saws) did and Suraqah was free. Suraqah tried again to catch Rasulu Allah (saws) but again his horse's feet sank in the sand.

Once more, he begged Rasulu Allah (saws) for help. This time, he promised that he would not try to harm them again. Rasulu Allah (saws) invoked Allah (swt) to free Suraqah. After this incident, Suraqah went back to Mecca. He hid the news about the whereabouts of Rasulu Allah (saws). He even deterred people who suggested searching for Rasulu Allah (saws) in the right direction by telling them that he had already searched in that direction but he could not find them.

The Arrival of Rasulu Allah at Al Madinah

The news of Rasulu Allah's Hijrah spread very fast and soon reached Yathrib. The people in Yathrib were very excited. Everyday, they went out to the outskirts of Yathrib to wait for the arrival of Rasulu Allah (saws). They did this for many days without a fail. One day, they waited for Rasulu Allah (saws) till noon but he did not arrive. So, they went back to their homes as the sun became very hot. That day, just after they had reached their homes, a man came with very exciting news. He had seen Rasulu Allah (saws) and Abu Bakr at the outskirts of Yathrib.

The people of Yathrib were very excited and happy. They went out all together to meet Rasulu Allah (saws). Some of them had not met Rasulu Allah (saws) before, some even mistook Abu Bakr for Rasulu Allah (saws). After the highly charged emotional welcome, Rasulu Allah (saws) proceeded to Yathrib. Almost everyone wanted to have Rasulu Allah (saws) as a guest in his house. But Rasulu Allah (saws) told them to leave the camel and let it choose where to sit. He explained to them that wherever the camel sat will be his place of residence and masjid.

The camel sat in a lot of land that belonged to two orphans. They offered it to Rasulu Allah (saws) but he refused to take it for free, instead he purchased it from them. Muslims wasted no time before they started building the house of Rasulu Allah (saws) and their first place of worship. Their happiness was beyond comprehension. Their joy of building their own place of worship was so great that they worked so hard without complaint. Rasulu Allah (saws) himself helped in the building process. He carried mud and mud blocks on his shoulders and with his holy hands. Despite all the efforts the Muslims made to convince him to set down and relax while the Muslim do the work, he went on working. He further explained to them that working was a form of worship.

When the building of the Masjid was completed, Rasulu Allah (saws) addressed the Muslims. It was the first time that he could stand before the Muslims and address them without anyone harassing him or hurting the Muslims. He then made what is called Al Muakhah (brotherhood). He instructed the Muslims who migrated from Mecca and those from Yathrib to brethren each other. Each Muslim from Yathrib was made a brother of a Muslim from Mecca.

The Muslims from Yathrib were known from then on as Al Ansar (helpers) and those from Mecca were known as Al Muhajireen (migrants). Even the name of the city, Yathrib, was changed to Al Madinah Al Munawarah (the enlightened city). Al Ansar were very generous to their new brothers. They shared with them everything. Including their money, farms and residence. They made them feel very happy and welcome. Rasulu Allah (saws) was very pleased with the Ansar that he once said: "Had it not been for the Hijrah, I would have been one of the Ansar".

Beside the Muslims, there were three Jewish tribes who lived in Al Madinah. Upon his arrival at Al Madinah, Rasulu Allah (saws) made peace treaties with them. And they were allowed to live in Al Madinah as long as they did not harm the Muslims.

The Battle of Badr

Muslims who migrated from Mecca had left all there belongings in Mecca. They virtually lost everything. People of Mecca confiscated all the properties and belongings of Muslims. Quraish lunched a massive trade caravan that went to Sham with the money they stole from the Muslims. The caravan on its way back to Mecca would pass near Al Madinah.

Rasulu Allah (saws) decided that Muslims should intercept the caravan and confiscate the goods brought from Sham. It was the Muslims money that Quraish used to purchase these goods. So, it was a kind of getting back some of what the Muslims lost.

Rasulu Allah (saws) announced to the Muslims his intentions. Three hundred people joined him. They set out to intercept the caravan. However, Abu Sufyan, the leader of the caravan, learnt about the Muslims' plan. He sent a messenger to deliver the news to Mecca and to ask them for help.

People of Mecca were upset to hear the Muslims decided to take the caravan. On the other hand, they found it a good excuse to launch a war against the Muslims. They prepared a thousand-man strength army. Without any hesitation, the army marched towards Al Madinah. On their way, they had entertainers to entertain the army with music and dance performances. They were determined on getting rid of the Muslims once and for all.

Abu Sufyan who was a skilled navigator changed the route of the caravan. He followed a route that is far away from Al Madinah to avoid being intercepted by the Muslims. He also sent a messenger to Quraish to inform them that there was no need for them to fight as he had saved the caravan. Chiefs of Quraish split over the matter, some of them suggested that a war was not necessary as the caravan was saved, however, the majority decided to go on with the war to terminate the Muslims' existence. And so it was.

On the Muslim side, Rasulu Allah (saws) learnt about Abu Sufyans escape and about Quraish's army. He consulted the Muslims who were with him on what they should do. The Muslims gave Rasulu Allah (saws) full support on whatever he thought was appropriate. Given the circumstances, Rasulu Allah (saws) did not have a better choice than meeting Quraish in a war, although the Muslims were not prepared for a war.

Rasulu Allah (saws) marched with his three hundred companions to a place called Abar Badr to meet Quraish's army. Abar Badr was a place that had many water wells. When the Muslims arrived at Badr, Rasulu Allah (saws) asked them to pitch their tents on the side nearer to Al Madinah leaving the water ahead of them. However, a man who was experienced in war affairs asked Rasulu Allah (saws) if his decision was based on a command from Allah. Rasulu Allah (saws) replied that it was only his suggestion. The man then explained to Rasulu Allah (saws) that it would be wiser if they changed their campsite to leave the water behind them. He explained that by doing so, Quraish's army would not be able to reach the water. Rasulu Allah (saws) agreed with him and ordered the army to change their campsite.

Quraish's army arrived at Badr, they had run out of water, they were thirsty so were their animals. In their plans, they relied on replenishing their water supplies from the wells at Badr. However, it was not possible as the Muslim army had blocked their access to the water. Few of them tried but were shot by the Muslim archers.

Both armies were face to face waiting for the war to begin. On the seventeenth day of Ramadhan of the second year after Hijrah, the war started. At that time, it was a tradition to have three men from each side to challenge each other before the war started. So, Al Walid, his son Al Walid and his brother Shaibah volunteered on Quraish's behalf. On the Muslim side, Hamzah, Ali and Ubaidah volunteered. They met, and the three men of Quraish were killed. After the show of power, the two armies clashed.

Despite of the fact that Quraish's army was three times bigger than the Muslim's army, Quraish's army was defeated. Quraish lost seventy of their men including some of the most prominent chiefs of Quraish like Umyah, Abu Jahl, Al Walid and Shaibah. Furthermore, another seventy of their men fell as war prisoners in the hands of the Muslims. On the Muslim side, only fourteen were martyred. It was certainly, a very shameful defeat for Quraish.

After the war had ended, Rasulu Allah (saws) decided to set the war prisoners free. He instructed those who knew how to read and write to teach Muslims how to read and write in exchange of their freedom.

The Battle of Badr was a great lesson for the Muslims. They learnt that victory could be achieved only with the help of Allah. This battle also was a great propaganda for Islam. Many people entered Islam after the defeat of Quraish.

The Battle of Uhud

After the shameful defeat that Quraish suffered in the Battle of Badr, they were determined to take revenge. Songs of mourning were sang daily to remind them of those whom they lost in Badr. One year later, in the third year after Hijrah, Quraish started preparing a new army to attack Al Madinah. This time, they asked help of other Arab tribes to join them in their mission. They managed to gather three thousand men.

The army was equipped with the best available arms and war equipment, plenty of food and feeder. It started its march towards Al Madinah with a mission to destroy the Muslims totally. It was necessary to gain a decisive victory in this battle to regain their respect among Arabs.

Al Abbas, the uncle of Rasulu Allah (saws), was still living in Mecca. He dispatched an immediate message to inform Rasulu Allah (saws) of Quraish's plans. Upon the receipt of the message, Rasulu Allah (saws) announced to the Muslims the news. He asked them for their opinions. He himself suggested that they should stay at Al Madinah and defend it rather than going out to meet Quraish in an open battlefield. But the majority of the Muslims suggested that they should go out of Al Madinah to meet Quraish. Rasulu Allah (saws) accepted the opinion of the majority. He declared a national draft. The muslims prepared a one-thousand-man strength army. They did not have extensive weapon supplies but the army was equipped with whatever weapons available.

The Muslim army set a camp near the mount of Uhud. Rasulu Allah (saws) selected fifty men who were very skilled in archery. He placed them on the mountain. Their duty was to defend the Muslim's back. He instructed them not to leave their positions no matter what the outcome of the battle was. Rasulu Allah (saws) also instructed the Muslim's army that incase Quraish was defeated, the Muslims should not follow them to make a clear-cut victory. Because, doing such might expose their backs to the enemy.

In Shawal of the third year after Hijrah, the Muslim and Quraish armies met. In the beginning, the Muslims won the battle. Quraish's army fled the battlefield. The Muslim army did a great mistake by following them disregarding Rasulu Allah's instructions. Furthermore, most of the archers left their positions, although, they were told not to.

Khalid bin Al Walid who was leading a group of Quaraish's youths took the opportunity. He attacked the Muslims from behind. The Muslims short-lived victory turned into defeat. Rasulu Allah (saws) was surrounded but he stood fast fighting as brave as a man can be. He even was injured in this battle. A roomer spread that Rasulu Allah (saws) was martyred. This made the Muslims feel very depressed. Many of them gave up fighting. But Rasulu Allah (saws) assured them that he was still well and alive. At the end Quraish decided to withdraw from the battle. The Muslims were regaining their confidence while Quraish's men were losing patience and power. Quraish decided to stop the battle without gaining decisive victory because they were afraid that they might even loose the battle if it continued for a longer time.

The outcome of the Battle of Uhud was neither a definite defeat for the Muslims nor a clear victory for Quraish. However, the Muslims learnt that if they wanted to succeed they had to follow the instructions of Rasulu Allah (saws).

In the Battle of Uhud seventy four Muslims were martyred among them was Hamzah the uncle of Rasulu Allah (saws). Quraish lost twenty of their men.

Evacuation of Banu Qainuqa' (MISSING)

Evacuation of Banu Al Nadhir

The tribe of Banu Al Nadhir was one of the three Jewish tribes living in Al Madinah. They made a peace agreement with Rasulu Allah (saws) when he arrived at Al Madinah. One of the terms of the peace agreement was that they should assist Muslims monetarily when Muslims need their help.

One day, Rasulu Allah (saws) went along with Umar and Abu Bakr to collect some money that Banu Al Nadhir had pledged to help the Muslims. Banu Al Nadhir pretended to welcome Rasulu Allah (saws) but among themselves they were planning to kill him. First, they told him that they are going to lend him the money which they promised. Then, they asked him to sit down in the shade of a high wall. While Rasulu Allah (saws) was sitting in the shade of the wall, they pretended that they needed to go inside to bring the money. Instead, they went inside and asked one of them to go up and drop a huge rock on the head of Rasulu Allah (saws) from the top of the wall.

While Rasulu Allah (saws) was waiting for them, Jibreel (as) came to him and informed him of their plan. Rasulu Allah (saws) left his place quickly. He escaped their plan.

Rasulu Allah (saws) sent a messenger to Banu Al Nadhir. The messenger informed them that Rasulu Allah (saws) had discovered their plot. He also informed them that they should leave Al Madinah within ten days as a punishment for them.

Banu Al Nadhir were very stubborn. They refused to evacuate Al Madinah. Instead, their reply was that they are not afraid of Muhammad and that they wanted to end the peace agreement they signed before. This left Rasulu Allah (saws) with no option but to fight them. So, he (saws) ordered the Muslim army to fight Banu Al Nadhir.

Banu Al Nadhir had strong forts. They hid inside their forts. When the Muslim army arrived they threw stones and shot arrows at the Muslim army. Their main target was to kill Rasulu Allah (saws).

The Muslim army surrounded their forts for three weeks but they did not surrender. At the end their food supplies were about to finish. They sent a messenger to Rasulu Allah (saws) and asked his forgiveness. Rasulu Allah (saws) forgave them but ordered them to leave Al Madinah. He allowed them to take all their belongings with them except their weapons. He even gave them time to collect their debts from the muslims in Madinah before they left. Some of Banu Al Nadhir setteled in Khaiber and the rest settled in Al Sham.

The Battle of Al Khandaq (MISSING)

The Battle of Khaibar

Khaibar was a town about three days walk from Madinah. The inhabitants of Khaibar were about ten thousand Jews. Some of its inhabitants were from the tribe of Banu Al-Nadhir who settled their after they were evacuated from Madinah.

The people of Khaibar were among those who gathered the Allies (Al Ahzab) in the battle of Al Khandq against the Muslims. They helped the Allies with money as well. After the defeat of the Allies in the Battle of Al Khandaq, the Jews of Khaibar started to bother the Muslim caravans which passed near Khaiber on their way from Sham to Madinah. They did this to weaken the Muslim's economy.

One day, a Muslim man was grazing the camels received as Zakat near Khaibar. The Jews attacked him. They killed the man and stole the camels.

In Khaibar, the Jews were preparing for war against Rasulu Allah. They equipped themselves very well and stocked up on food supplies and arms. They also recruited Ghatafan and Fazarah which were two Jewish tribes living near Khaibar.

In Madinah, Rasulu (saws) did not want war. He sent a group of Muslims to Khaibar to negotiate a peace agreement. The Muslims asked the chiefs of Khaibar to accompany them to Madinah in order to meet with Rasulu Allah (saws) to finalize the peace agreement. The Jews accepted. However, while they were on their way to Madinah, the Jews attacked the Muslims. The two parties fought, but the Muslims managed to win the battle and returned to Madinah. They informed Rasulu Allah (Saws) of what had happened. That left Rasulu Allah without any choice but to fight the Jews of Khaibar.

This time, Rasulu Allah (saws) only allowed the one thousand and four hundred Muslims who attended Bai'atul Ridwan to join the army. No one else was allowed.

First, the Muslims had to break the alliance between Khaibar and the tribes of Ghatafan and Fazarah. Rasulu Allah (saws) played a clever trick to do so. He first directed the army towards the villages of Ghatafan and Fazarah. The people of Ghatafan and Fazarah who had already left their villages to join the army in Khaibar heard that the Muslim army was in its way to their villages. Therefore, they abandon their plans of joining the army in Khaibar and instead went back to defend their villages. When Rasulu Allah (saws) was sure that Ghataffan and Fazarah's men had returned to their villages, he redirected the army towards Khaibar.

The Muslim army camped surrounding the forts for very long period of time waiting for the Jews to surrender. At the end, the Muslim army decided to cut the water supplies to force the Jews to surrender. Soon, the forts of khaibar fell in the hands of the Muslim army except for one which was very strong. Rasulu Allah (saws) sent Ali bin Abi Talib on a mission to conquer it and he succeeded.

After the fall of khaibar to the hands of Muslims, Rasulu Allah (saws) made an agreement with the Jews. In the agreement, the Jews were allowed to live in Khaibar as long as they did not harm the Muslims or helped non-Muslims against Muslims.

The Battle of Mu'tah

During the seventh year after Hijrah, Rasulu Allah (saws) sent many messengers to invite the kings of the neighboring kingdoms and the neighboring Arab tribes. Most of the kings and tribes replied with respect.

Ghassan was an Arab tribe which lived in the southern region of Bilad Assham. It was a sub-kingdom of the Roman Empire. Rasulu Allah (saws) sent a messenger to the king of Ghassan. But the king of Ghassan killed the messenger. This was considered an act of aggression. Messengers were usually treated with respect even if they were carrying a message from an enemy.

The act of the king of Ghassan was a sign of disrespect of Islam. It also was a threat to Muslims who used to travel to Bilad Al Sham for trade, if it was left without proper reaction on the part of the Muslims. Hence, Rasulu Allah (saws) decided to respond with a strong message. He prepared an army consisting of three thousand men. Rasulu Allah (saws) chose Zaid bin Harithah (ra) to lead the army. In case Zaid were killed, Ja'far bin Abi Talib should replace him and if Ja'far were killed then Abduallah bin Rawahah should replace him. But if Abdullah were killed then the Muslims should choose their own leader. On the other side, the Romans prepared an army of ten thousand and camped in Mu'tah.

The Muslim army and the Roman Army met in Mu'tah. But the Muslim army was outnumbered and overpowered by the well-equipped Roman Army. Zaid bin Harithah who was appointed as a leader by Rasulu Allah (saws) was martyred. Ja'far took over the leadership. He held the Muslim's flag with his right hand but his right hand was cut off. He held the flag with his left hand until it was cut off. He hugged the flag to his chest with his arms until he was finally martyred. After Ja'far, Abdullah became in charge but he was martyred too. The flag fell on the ground but a Muslim from the army held it up. He then called the Muslims to elect a leader. They elected him but he refused because he did not have the experience to lead an army. He suggested Khalid bin Al Walid instead. Khalid had just converted to Islam and joined the army.

Khalid took charge. He played a clever trick to deceive the Roman army. First, he changed the ranks of the Muslim army. Second, he asked a group of Muslims to sneak during night and hide behind nearby hills. He instructed them to come back the next morning in smaller groups. Each group should make lots of noise and make sure that the Romans had noticed them. This is to make them look bigger than what they truly were.

The next morning, the Muslims who sneaked at night started to come back, when the two armies met again, the Romans noticed the difference in the Muslim army ranks. This made them believe that Muslims had received additional support. They were scared and fled the battlefield.

Khalid ordered the Muslim army to withdraw. He did not want to follow the Roman army to gain a clear victory because it was too dangerous. By doing so, he saved the Muslim army.

In Madinah, Muslims heard about the army's withdrawal from the battle and were upset. When the army arrived at Madinah, it was received with blame and rebuke. But Rasulu Allah (saws) was pleased with what the army did. He named the army; Al - Karar (the attacker) and named Khalid; Saifu Allah.

Conquest of Mecca

In Sulhul Hudaibyiah, Quraish agreed not to fight against Muslims and not to support other tribes in their fighting against Muslims or their allies. The tribe of Banu Bakr allied themselves to Quraish and the tribe of Khuza'ah allied themselves with the Muslims.

In the eighth year after Hijrah, Quraish prompted the tribe of Banu Bakr to attack Khuza'ah. Quraish supported Banu Bakr by providing them with weapons, money and men. This was against the peace terms they agreed on with the Muslims.

When Banu Bakr attacked Khuza'ah, the members of Khuza'ah tribe sought refuge in the Ka'bah. It was regarded a great sin to fight in the Ka'bah. However, this did not deter Banu Bakr and Quraish from pursuing the members of Khuza'ah. Eventually, they killed twenty men from Khuza'ah inside the Ka'bah.

Those who survived the attack went to Madinah and informed Rasulu Allah (saws) of what happened. Rasulu Allah (saws) was disturbed by the news. He sent a messenger to Quraish to investigate the matter and to remind Quraish with terms of the peace agreement. However, Quraish disrespected the messenger and informed him that they did not recognize the agreement.

When Rasulu Allah (saws) learned about Quraish's decision of ending the peace agreement, he prepared an army to respond to Quraish. Later, Quraish regretted their decision. They sent Abu Sufyan to Madinah to renew the peace agreement.

Abu Sufyan arrived at Madinah, but it was a little too late. He tried to talk to Rasulu Allah (saws) but Rasulu Allah (saws) refused to reply to him. Abu Sufyan then went to Ummu Habibah, his daughter, who was the wife of Rasulu Allah (saws). He asked her to intercede with Rasulu Allah (saws) but he received a very cold response. After he failed in talking to Ummu Habibah, he tried to convince Abu Bakr, but he failed too. Abu Sufyan disparately sought the help of Umar, but Umar turned him down. He went to Ali bin Abi Taleb, but Ali did not listen to him. Finally, he tried his luck with Fatimah the daughter of Rasulu Allah. Again he did not succeed. After he had tried every possibility, he gave up and went back to Mecca.

People of Mecca were waiting for his arrival but when he informed them of what happened to him, they were very disappointed with him.

Rasulu Allah (saws) prepared an army of ten thousand men. The army set off to Mecca. When the army was near Mecca, Rasulu Allah (saws) order the army to camp and ordered every man in the army to lit a fire. He did so to let Quraish know how big was the army. His plan was to enter Mecca without a fight.

People in Mecca were very afraid. They sent Abu Sufyan and their chiefs to meet with Rasulu Allah (saws). When the chiefs of Quraish arrived at the campsite of the Muslim army, Rasulu Allah (saws) ordered the army to march in front of them in a power display. He did this to make them scared and accept to surrender Mecca peacefully. Then, he offered them to accept Islam. Abu Sufyan accepted the offer and converted to Islam.

After that Rasulu Allah (saws) sent a messenger to Mecca. The messenger announced that the Muslim army is coming into Mecca. He also announced that the army did not intend to fight if the people of Mecca stayed at their homes. It was also announced that anyone who sought refuge in Al Ka'bah would be safe and anyone who sought refuge in Abu Sufyan's house would be safe.

On the twentieth day of Ramadan, in the eighteth year after Hijrah the Muslim army entered Mecca without any significant resistance.

First, Rasulu Allah (saws) went to Al Ka'bah. He ordered that all the idols that were placed surrounding Al Ka'bah be destroyed.

After all the idols were destroyed, Rasulu Allah (saws) addressed the people of Mecca. He forgave them for the past things they did to harm him and the Muslims. This was a clear sign of the forgiving nature of Rasulu Allah (saws) and of Islam.

The Battle of Hunayn

A very strong enemy of Islam was the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqief who lived in Al Taif. After the conquest of Mecca, they started preparing themselves to wage a war against Muslims to contain the spread of Islam.

Rasulu Allah (saws) was aware of their plans. Therefore, he directed the Muslim army towards Hunayin. The Muslim army consisted of twelve thousand men. Ten thousand were the original army in addition two thousand men from Mecca joined after the conquest of Mecca.

The Muslim army arrived at Hunayin where Hawazin and Thaqief camped. The Muslims were very proud of their number. They felt that no one can defeat them and for a moment forgot that victory comes from Allah. However, once the battle started, many of the new Muslims fled the Battlefield.

Rasulu Allah (saws) did not flee, he stood fast in his place and fought bravely. He called the Muslims to join him. When the Muslims heard Rasulu Allah (saws), they felt ashamed of what they did and came back and won a clear victory.

This battle was a great lesson for Muslims that they should not be proud but they always seek the help of Allah.

After this battle Rasulu Allah (saws) went back to Madinah.

The Battle of Tabook

After the conquest of Mecca (Al Fateh), Arab tribes from all over the Arabian Peninsula sent their representatives to declare their Islam before Rasulu Allah (saws). In fact the whole year (ninth year) after Hijrah was known as A'm Al Wufood. In 'Am Al Wufood, most of the Arabian Peninsula tribes converted to Islam.

While Rasulu Allah (saws) was busy receiving the representatives of the Arab tribes, the Romans were busy preparing an army to attack the Muslims. The Romans were very disappointed with the results of the Battle of Mu'tah and they were worried about the fast spread of Islam in neighboring Arabia.

That year was a difficult year for Muslims. It was a dry year. The crops did not grow well and many animals died. Food supplies were scarce too. Rasulu Allah (saws) learned about the Roman's plans and he had to respond to them. He (saws) recruited the Muslims to join the army. Many Muslims volunteered but they did not have the necessary resources. There was not enough food for the army. There were not enough equipment and weapons. Rasulu Allah (saws) urged the Muslims to donate generously to support the expedition. Uthman bin Affan (ra) who was a rich merchant donated half of his wealth to prepare the Muslim army.

The Muslim army finally was ready. It left Madinah to meet the Roman army which camped near Tabook. However, the Roman army decided to withdraw before even the Muslim army arrived. Therefore, when the Muslim army arrived at Tabook, they did not find the Roman Army. Rasulu Allah (saws) commented that the Muslims were granted victory because Allah (swt) had filled the hearts of the Romans with fear. The Muslim army returned to Madinah without a fight.

Hijjatul Wada'

In the tenth year after Hijrah, Rasulu Allah (saws) decided to perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). He announced the news to all Muslims. In a very short time, Madinah was filled with Muslims from all over the Arabian Peninsula. They came to accompany Rasulu Allah (saws) in his Hajj.

When Hajj season arrived, Rasulu Allah (saws) accompanied by thousands of Muslims set off with all humility on their Hajj journey to Mecca. Along the way to Mecca, they met with other caravans who were going to Mecca to join Rasulu Allah (saws) in Hajj. Many of the people had not yet met Rasulu Allah (saws). Many of them did not recognize him when they met him for the first time. The Hajj caravan kept growing every day by more new people joining in. It was a spectacular seen which had never been witnessed before.

In this Hajj, Rasulu Allah (saws) taught the Muslims the ethics and rules concerning Hajj. Then on the day of Arafah, Rasulu Allah (saws) addressed the Muslims with his famous speech, known as Khutbatul Wada' (fare well sermon). In it, he made clear to the Muslims the matters concerning Muslim's life.

This Hajj was known as Hijjatul Wada' (farewell Hajj). It was the only hajj that Rasulu Allah (saws) performed.

The Departure of Rasulu Allah (saws)

One night, after Rasulu Allah (saws) had returned to Madinah from Hijjatul Wada', he visited Al Baqi' (the graveyard of the Martyrs and Muslims).

Rasul Allah (saws) told the Muslims that Jibreel used to visit him once a year to review the Quran, but this year, Jibreel reviewed the Quran twice with him. Rasulu Allah (saws) suggested to the Muslims that it might be soon when he (saws) should depart from this world. He also order that all the doors which used to be open from peoples houses to the Masjid should be sealed except the one which lead from Abu Bakr's house to the Masjid.

One day, Rasulu Allah (saws) addressed the Muslims from his minber (pulpit) in a lengthy and detailed speech regarding everything in their lives. After returning back from the Masjid, he (saws) had a severe headache and high fever. It was described that his fever was so high that people could not put their hands on him. Rasulu Allah (saws) explained to them that it was so because he received more reward.

Despite the fact that Rasulu Allah (saws) was severely sick, he continued to lead the prayers. Until one day, he became sicker and weaker and could not lead the prayer anymore. He asked Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.

Abu Bakr led the prayers. But one day while Abu Bakr was leading the prayer, Rasulu Allah (saws) felt better. Rasulu Allah with the help of Ali and Al A'bbas went out to the Masjid. Upon seeing him, the Muslims made a lot of noise to alert Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr was very engrossed in his prayers and did not notice Rasulu Allah. Finally, Abu Bakr noticed Rasulu Allah (saws) and stepped back to make way for him. However, Rasulu Allah (saws) gestured to Abu Bakr to stay in his position. Muslims were very delighted to see Rasulu Allah praying with them again.

However, after that incident Rasulu Allah (saws) became more ill and could not come out to the Masjid to join the Muslims in prayers. Until one day while the Muslims praying Fajar, Rasulu Allah (saws) raised the curtain which separated his room from the Masjid. Muslims saw his face. His holy face was glowing with luster. They were very happy. They thought he had recovered.

On that day, Monday, the twelfth of Rabi'u Al Awal, in the tenth year after hijrah, just before Zhuhr prayer, the angle of death visited Rasulu Allah. First, it was Jibreel who came to Rasulu Allah. He (as) informed Rasulu Allah that he had a message from Allah. Allah gave him a choice to live in this world or to join the heavens. Rasulu Allah (saws) chose to be in heavens. Then Jibreel informed him that the Angel of Death is at the door seeking permission to enter. The Angel of Death had never sought permission to take anybody's soul before. Rasulu Allah (saws) granted him permission by saying "bal ma' al rafiqi al 'ala'". Rasulu Allah (saws) was sixty-three years old then.

Muslims could not believe that Rasulu Allah (saws) died. Many of them fell unconscious like Ali bin Abi Taleb and Uthman bin Affan. Others denied it. Umar denied it and threatened to kill anyone who said that Rasulu Allah had died. He said: " He did not die, he went to meet with Allah and he will be back soon". All were in a state of confusion and denial. They did not know what to do until Abu Bakr came. Abu Bakr went into Rasulu Allah's room and exposed his face. He kissed his holy face and went out to the Masjid. He stood up on the minbr (pulpit) and said addressing the Muslims: " O people, he who worships Muhammad let him know that Muhammad had died, but he who worships Allah let him know that Allah is ever lasting and does not die". He then recited from the Quran: " Muhammad is only a messenger, many were the messengers before him. If he died or was slain would you then turn back on your heels". As soon as Abu Bakr finished his speech, Muslims came back to their consciousness and accepted the fact that Rasulu Allah (saws) had died.

Rasulu Allah (saws) then was prepared for burial according to the instructions he left. First to pray funeral prayer on him was Jibreel followed by the angels. After that, Muslims prayed in groups.

The moment to bury Rasulu Allah had arrived. His grave was dug in his room. Muslims had great difficulty burying him. They could not believe themselves. "How could we lay him under the earth and dump soil on his holy body", they thought. They laid him in his grave with tearful eyes. When they had finished, Fatimah, the daughter of Rasulu Allah cried to the Muslims: "How could you do it? How could you allow yourselves to throw dust on him". It certainly, was the most difficult moment for the Muslims. It broke their harts. No one could answer with a word instead tears and sopping all they could answer.