'Sheikh' Hamza Yusuf Exposes Himself

Islamic history has shown that times of trial and tribulation for the Muslims have exposed the hypocrites in their ranks. During the Battle of Ahzab, when the disbelieving armies gathered against the Muslims of Madinah from all sides, the hypocrites came out and said: "And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said: 'Allah and His Messenger (SAWS) promised us nothing but delusions.' And when a party of them said: 'O People of Yathrib (Madinah) There is no stand possible for you (against the enemy attack)! Therefore, go back!'" [Quran 33:12-13]

One such personality amongst the Muslims that has been famous over the last few years is Hamza Yusuf. His eloquent speeches have led to a popular following amongst ignorant Muslims. However, his credibility was destroyed on 11 September 2001.

There follows a discussion on various points made by Hamza Yusuf after the events on 11 September 2001. One can make the necessary conclusions about this individual after hearing what he himself has to say.

There have been many other Muslim scholars who condemned the killing of the innocents in the World Trade Centre, but none crossed the limits of Al-Walaa Wal-Baraa (loyalty and hate for the sake of Allah) as Hamza Yusuf did.

Transcript of CBS's 60 Minutes Interview with Hamza Yusuf, Imam Siraj Wahaj, Farid Esack and Faisal Abdur Rauf on 30 September 2001

Bradley: While Islam forbids the killing of innocents, in this 1998 interview, Bin Laden justified the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, saying every American man is our enemy, whether he is a soldier or a taxpayer. As for the women and children who died, he says women and children die every day in Palestine. In a statement last week, Bin Laden called for a Jihad or Holy War in the Name of Allah.

Yusuf: I would say that he has no legitimate authority, that in Islam, Jihad can only be declared by legitimate state authority. And this is accepted by consensus. There is no vigilantism in Islam. Muslims believe in state authority.

Comment: According to this, the Muslims in Palestine should not wage Jihad against the Israeli forces, because Jihad has not been declared by a legitimate state authority. Ibn Qudama, the Hanbali scholar, said in Al-Mughni 8/253, "The absence of an Imam does not postpone the Jihad because much is lost in its postponement."

Bradley: You think he's a vigilante?

Yusuf: Absolutely, absolutely. All Muslims are guided by the words of Islam's holy book, the Quran, which is believed to be the word of God, and explains how Muslims should lead their lives. It also says fighting should only be in self-defence, a fight in the Way of Allah against those who fight against you, but be not aggressive. And the Quran forbids suicide. They cannot bring any textual evidence from the Quran, from the traditions of the prophet, to prove anything that justifies what they've done.

Comment: Jihad can be defensive or offensive.
Letter from the Messenger of ALLAH (SAW) to the people of Najran (Narrated in Baihaqi): "In the Name of the God of Ibraheem, Ishaaq, and Ya'qoob, from Muhammad Messenger of Allah to Asqaf of Najran, and the people of Najran: Peace be upon you…  …I call you to the worship of Allah, away from the worship of the slaves (of Allah). And I call you to the governorship of Allah, away from the governorship of the slaves (of Allah). If you refuse, then the Jizyah. If you refuse (that), then I declare war upon you. Wassalam."

Offensive Jihad

Where the disbelievers are not gathering to fight the Muslims. The fighting becomes Fard Kifaya with the minimum requirement of appointing believers to guard borders, and the sending of an army at least once a year to terrorize the enemies of Allah. It is a duty of upon the Imam to assemble and send out an army unit into the land of war once or twice every year. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the Muslim population to assist him, and if he does not send an army he is in sin.

And the Ulama have mentioned that this type of jihaad is for maintaining the payment of Jizya. The scholars of the principles of religion have also said: "Jihad is Dawah with a force, and is obligatory to perform with all available capabilities, until there remains only Muslims or people who submit to Islam."

Defensive Jihad

This is expelling the disbelievers from our land, and it is Fard Ayn, a compulsory duty upon all. It is the most important of the compulsory duties and arises in the following conditions:

A) If the disbelievers enter a land of the Muslims.
B) If the rows meet in battle and they begin to approach each other.
C) If the Imaam calls a person or a people to march forward then they must march.
D) If the Kuffaar capture and imprison a group of Muslims.

(Defence of the Muslim Lands - Dr. Abdullah Azzam)

Bradley: Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't it the responsibility... Does not Islam, does not Allah require that Muslims police their own religion and rid theelves of extremists?

Yusuf: Yes, absolutely. It's an obligation for Muslims to root them out. And I think it is a Jihad now for the Muslims in the Muslim country to rid themselves of this element.

Comment: An apparent contradiction. Earlier in this interview, he says:

"I would say that he (i.e. Osama bin Laden) has no legitimate authority, that in Islam Jihad can only be declared by legitimate state authority. And this is accepted by consensus. There is no vigilantism in Islam. Muslims believe in state authority."

Now he himself (who is also not a state authority) is calling the Muslims to fight Jihad to "rid themselves of this element." ?!